Seriously Sis, Stop Giving a F*$k

So, I want to preference this blog post with a very quick statement….

I simply can’t give a f&^k anymore and I don’t think you should either

I have come to a conclusion that I think everyone needs to hear:

“Your friends, family, co-workers, & acquaintances have only seen you as far as they have seen you.”

Let me say that again…

“Your friends, family, co-workers, & acquaintances have only seen you as far as they have seen you.”

What I mean by that is stop running the blueprint of your future by people who have only seen your past. Honestly, how will they know how to help guide you when they don’t know your deepest potential. Now let me be clear, I am not telling you that you can’t get wisdom from other people and I am not saying that other people don’t have your best interest at heart, but I am saying that they can’t tell the future. They don’t know that passion that lays deep down in your bones that you haven’t explored yet because you are afraid of: judgment, failure, success, or other people’s opinions.

Let me tell you a quick story..

I used to live in Richmond VA and before I moved to Arkansas I told someone who I held in high regard that I was going to move out here to west bubble f&^k and start a new life. She told me ALL of the reasons that was a very dumb idea. She told me a cautionary tale of how when she did something like that she ended up in debt and in an abusive relationship that could have really harmed her and her child. Although her reality was frightening and I am sure that she said this out of true regard for my future…. She needed to keep all of her regrets to herself.

I questioned my own future because I didn’t want to end up in the same situation but I have to tell you…. what is for you, is just that… FOR YOU! Moving away may not have been what was meant for her, but it was what changed my life and gave me the deepest desires of my heart.

No one knows what your next chapter is supposed to look like outside of you and God and since that is the reality…. Promote that business even when no one likes the post, take that job halfway across the world even though no one in your family has left the state, go through transition, and do whatever else makes you happy.

Listen, people will clown you for working a 9-5 and clown you for starting a business, they will tell you that you are too small and then you will be too big, they will tell you that everyone already sells makeup so you can’t do that too…. I am here to tell you that YOU deserve to take up space in this world in the way that God intended and if that is doing something that others don’t initially understand/support so be it!

Seriously sis, you deserve a better life and I can’t wait for you to free yourself enough to live it.

We can do it sis, just trust the journey.