Who is He?

Girl let me tell you...

I have always had a problem with religion. I am a data based person and I prefer to deal in facts and well... The facts are that most organized religions are filled with people who have absolutely NO IDEA what they are talking about. 

In the same breathe that they will sing about an awe inspiring, loving, gracious, merciful, and powerful God they will say that if you move out of the perfectly colored lines you are doomed to hell and basically should just give up now.... That does not sit well with me at all.

I have a relationship with God. I mean a full blown talk on the phone, watch a movie together, go for a nice walk in the park, and have mini concerts in the car with relationship with God. I don't see Him as a being that is so far removed from me that He doesn't walk with me everyday. I study the Bible five days a week, it is how I start my morning, and I have never read anything in the Kings James Version (which is the only version without all of the extra bias from everyday people like you and me cause those other versions... well, let's just say they are filled with opinions and we all know what you can do with opinions) that has told me not to be loving, kind, and helpful to everyone around me. 

You are not going to tell me that we should exclude people because of their race, sexual orientation, socioeconomic status, gender expression, or anything else until I start seeing people resist the following:

1.) You better not eat fast food because we know that they grow two crops(or whatever we are eating) of a different kind side by side.

2.) You better not dye or cut your hair

3.) You better not get a divorce

4.) You better not have smoked weed, drank alcohol underage, had sex in something other than the missionary position in certain states (married or not), or broke the speeding limit (the Bible says obey the laws of the land and yes those are laws, google it!).

5.) You better not wear a cotton & polyester blend

6.) You better not get jealous, lust after the man in the gym with the grey sweat pants, lie, cheat on that test/homework assignment/ or midterm. 

Now I am not advocating that since we all fall short you can just do whatever you want... I am saying that you can take a chill pill and MIND YOUR BUSINESS. All of the servants that God used for truly revolutionary things were humble enough to know that they were not without blame. 

My relationship with God tells me to love on those around me, give to those in need, respect everyone even when you don't feel they deserve it, and strive to uplift. Let me tell you girl, if you have not mastered doing those things perfectly you might want to shift your focus. When we get to the pearly gates God will ask YOU what YOU did and not who the man down the street was sleeping with.... 

If I read correctly (which I know I did), Jesus used a prostitute, leper, and other people labelled as outcasts to perform great works and to shape the kingdom... Maybe the focus shouldn't be on chastising those around you and it should be on understanding their story and their journey. 

But what do I know girl, that's just what I feel He has instructed me to do. We can all interpret and execute in any way we please, I just would hope it would be in a spirit of genuine love and encouragement.

We can do it sis, just trust the journey